Approaching and inside the main entrance to The 02 Dome October 2008 The 02 is very impressive as you approach from the River Thames. Even more so once inside, you get an idea how large it is from the second photo showing the two people walking in from the right hand side. The BMW car grill and part bonnet stood out no matter where you stood inside the entrance and was a pleasure to photograph. Walking through The 02 was a strain on the eyes going from light to dark many times, with flashing lights. Luckily not to many people around so taking photographs nota problem. Hope you like the ones I took and please comment.
Taken in 2008 on my visit to London, the photo was taken in St Katharine's dock to the east of Tower Bridge, there are steps leading to the dock from the bridge, or a long walk down by the road leading to the River Thames. Starbucks coffee shop is on a small island and can be very busy. If visiting one can see many old sailing vessels which in their day traded on the Thames itself, I have no idea what it cost to live around the dock, so visiting is a nicer and cheaper alternative. There are many excellent restaurants and shops within the dock area. I was there in November 2012 and it's still the same, apart from different vessels shown in this photograph.
Plaque found on a riverside walk near and to the east of Blackfriars bridge London, all I saw was a glimpse of bright blue through the foliage, pinning back the plants I took the photo and replaced the foliage as it was. Looking on the internet this is what I found Baynard's Castle - Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia
These stairs and escalator are just off the Thames Embankment, I stood and wait a very long time to get this photo with no one in the shot, it was taken on the 26th October 2008 at 13:06. But waiting and patience paid off. I wanted nothing in the photo to say where it is.