Showing posts with label Route. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Route. Show all posts

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Kingston upon Hull Marina Round the World Clipper Race September 13Th 2009

These are photographs of the clipper ships berthed in Kingston upon Hull marina on Friday and Saturday the 11Th and 12Th September, before the start of the round the World Clipper Race on Sunday the 13Th September. The clipper Cork was moving to the far end of the marina at the time...

The last photo is of the clippers in the river Humber maneuvering and getting ready to start the race at 14:00 on Sunday the 13Th taken from the river side at the entrance to King George Dock...

The clippers will return to the river Humber July 2010 to finish the race.....

The vessel One Hull did not take part....