Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Gibraltar a hot retreat after a good day 31st May 2011

When we arrived in Gibraltar on the 31st May 2011 it was sunny and soon became hot, but not as hot as it did at 3:30 PM!! We were docked close to the centre (center) of town well so I was told, walking is not so easy for me and I have to use walking sticks, and this walk was just a little to far. Apart from the stature which is to commemorate during the war women and children were evacuated against their wishes but on the orders of the British Government. The men stayed behind to work in the dockyards. The other figure is of a street statue! All the other photos were taken from the vessel "Independence of the Seas" We returned to ship about 12:30 pm and just lazed about enjoying cold and refreshing drinks in our staterooms and on the balcony. Then at about 3:30 pm there was a loud explosion which the photos tell the story, I do have videos in HD which I have not post yet and from the moment of recording which was within seconds of this explosion it took about 4 to 5 minutes to get the vessel away, 10 were hurt on the upper decks but all treated by the ships doctor.. So you see we had a hot day in Gibraltar which made the main news stories on TV and in the national papers..


Come Away With Me said...

That is rather frightening! I googled it and found a photo that shows just how close your ship was to the blast. You've probably already seen it, but here is the link bo BBC if you are interested:

You certainly had a bit of unscheduled excitement that day!

Brian said...

Thank you Sara, no had not seen that one, yes was exciting but later brought back some vivid memories of when I was in the Army many years ago. The side of the ship in the link was the side we were on.

Jenny Woolf said...

Awfully scary!