Saturday, 20 August 2016

Across East Yorkshire June 2016

 The first three can be found in the market town of Beverley, the pictures can be seen displayed on the outside of buildings, the forth is Folly Lake not far from Beverley. 

Number five and six can be found in the gardens of Wilberforce House, the seventh a poster in St Stephen's shopping centre, Kingston upon Hull.

Number 8 is the costal town of Withernsea, about 45 minutes drive from Beverley and Kingston upon Hull. 

Camera used iPhone SE 


Come Away With Me said...

A very interesting variety of photo subjects! Are those windmills along the horizon of the sea in the last photo?

Brian said...

Hello Sara,
Thank you I drove around taking photos of what I saw, yes they are wind turbines way out in the North Sea to supply power to households and industries, some people love them others hate them! Plans to build 100s more! Do you have them in the USA?

Come Away With Me said...

Hello Brian, oh yes, we have those in the USA. None where I live, but out in the desert on the way to Palm Springs there are hundreds and hundreds of them. I find them rather mysterious and interesting looking. Not really sure how effective they are at producing energy (I don't really know); hopefully it is worth all the effort and expense. It must be quite a job to plant them out there in the sea like that.